By collaborating with Swavy, the influencer agrees to abide by these terms and conditions. Please ensure you understand and agree to these T&C before commencing any collaboration with Swavy.

Swavy Influencer Collaboration Terms and Conditions:

1. Appointment

Swavy engages the influencer to promote products and services via their social media accounts. This appointment is on a non-exclusive, non-employee basis.

2. Term

The term of the agreement will commence on the campaign start date and end on the campaign end date as mutually agreed.

3. Deliverables

The influencer agrees to:

4. Cancellation

Swavy reserves the right to terminate the agreement or partnership at any point with five days' prior written notice if the influencer breaches the agreement and fails to cure such breach. In the event of a breach, Swavy may suspend, limit, or terminate the influencer’s access to Swavy accounts and instruct the influencer to cease all promotional activities.

5. Compensation

The influencer will be compensated with agreed products, fees or commissions. This compensation covers all services, expenses, and use of resources. The influencer acknowledges this as their entire compensation for the agreement.

6. Payment Terms

Payment or product delivery terms will be coordinated as mutually agreed.

7. Content and Approval

Swavy will provide necessary content and briefing materials.

All promotional content must be pre-approved by Swavy.

Swavy reserves the right to request deletion or modification of any post at any time.

8. Confidentiality and Exclusivity

The influencer agrees to keep all confidential information obtained during the course of the collaboration strictly confidential and use it only for the performance of services under this agreement. Upon termination, all confidential information must be returned to Swavy.

9. Intellectual Property Rights

All rights to content created under this agreement belong to Swavy. This includes any intellectual property rights, which are transferred or licensed to Swavy as needed.

10. Subcontracting and Third Parties

The influencer must perform the services personally and cannot subcontract without Swavy's written consent. The influencer is fully responsible for any third parties involved in the services.

11. Force Majeure

Neither party will be liable for failure to perform obligations due to causes beyond their control, such as natural disasters, strikes, or acts of public authority.

12. Independent Contractor Status

The influencer is an independent contractor and is responsible for their own taxes and legal compliance.

13. Authorization Codes

In case an authorization code is required for the campaign, the influencer agrees to share the code with Swavy for a period of six months following the campaign's end date. This ensures that Swavy can track and manage the campaign’s performance effectively

14. Liability and Legal Compliance

The influencer must ensure all services comply with applicable laws and do not infringe on third-party rights. The influencer will indemnify Swavy for any breaches or violations.

15. Terms of Use and Proper Labels

The influencer must:

16. Liquidated damages

In the event that Influencer, after receiving gifts from the brand, fails to fulfill their obligations under this agreement, including but not limited to, ceasing communication or refusing to produce the agreed-upon content, the influencer shall be liable to pay the brand liquidated damages in the amount of USD 500. This obligation to pay liquidated damages shall not apply in cases of demonstrably unforeseeable circumstances that prevent Influencer from performing, such as illness, family emergencies, or other events beyond the influencer's reasonable control, provided that the influencer notifies Swavy of such circumstances promptly and in writing, and Swavy, in its sole discretion, deems the circumstances to be a valid excuse for non-performance.

17. Non-Compete

For a period of 6 months following the influencer’s last collaboration with Brand, influencer agrees that they will not enter into any agreements or collaborations with Brand, except through Swavy.

18. Post Removal

The influencer cannot remove or delete the post after 60 days from the posting date unless mutually agreed upon with Swavy.

19. Right to Audit

Swavy reserves the right to audit the influencer’s activities related to the campaign to ensure compliance with the agreement terms.

20. Click Verification

In case of a performance model based on clicks, Swavy will review and verify all clicks generated by the influencer’s content. Any clicks deemed to be spam or fraudulent will be excluded from the payment calculations. The influencer agrees to this verification process and acknowledges that only legitimate clicks will be compensated.

21. CPM Verification

The influencer agrees not to engage in any form of paid promotion or ‘boosting’ of the content without prior written approval from Swavy. If Swavy suspects that content has been boosted, the influencer is required to provide verification upon request. Failure to comply or any unauthorized boosting will result in Swavy withholding payment for the campaign